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Latest Government Gazette No: 11447 - Face Masks

24 Jun 2022 8:51 AM | Anonymous

To IOPSA Employees:

OHSS Consulting (Pty) Ltd has read through the latest government gazette No: 11447 issued 22 June 2022 on the “Regulations relating to the surveillance and the control of notifiable medical conditions: Repeal”, stating that the Regulations 16A, 16B and 16C of the Regulations relating to the surveillance and the control of notifiable medical conditions are hereby repealed.

Attached are copies of the Repeal as well as the 3 Regulations. Particularly looking at Regulation 16A: “Wearing of face masks to contain the spread of COVID-19”.

Since this is repealed and we no longer require employees to wear masks, we also want to ensure that we stand out as compliant and inclusive of personal opinion. With this in mind it is the suggestion of OHSS Consulting (Pty) Ltd to implement the following:

Keep a cloth mask or disposable masks available while visiting the premises of clients and ask them if they feel ok for employees to enter without a mask or if they feel they would still like a mask to be worn. Many may still feel scared or may still be unaware of the current repeal. Instead of pushing our own rights, we want to always ensure we uphold the rights and feelings of our clients.

That being said, it is only a suggestion, and we wish you to proceed with caution and act in a safe manner at all times while on any site.

To download the formal notice and Gazette, please click the links below: 

Formal Letter

Government Notice - May 2022

Government Gazette - June 2022



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