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18 Apr 2016 11:58 AM | Deleted user

Applying Safe Work Practise

R 20000
Commercial/Industrial Plumbing

Commercial/Industrial Plumbing

R 1,80000
Domestic Heat Pump - Water Heating Systems - electronic download

Domestic Heat Pump - Water Heating Systems - electronic download

R 18000
Domestic maintenance & contract plumbers

Domestic maintenance & contract plumbers

R 1,20000
Hot & Cold Water Reticulation - electronic download

Hot & Cold Water Reticulation - electronic download

R 18000
Practical guide to Electrical Geyser installation standards - ELECTRONIC DOWNLOAD

Practical guide to Electrical Geyser installation standards - ELECTRONIC DOWNLOAD

R 9500
Practical guide to Electrical Geyser installation standards - print copy

Practical guide to Electrical Geyser installation standards - print copy

R 12000

Webinar SANS 10254 - electrical geyser installations

R 000
Winning the Plumbing Battle

Winning the Plumbing Battle

R 000

Visit Plumbers Shop at or follow the Shop link at



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