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Another Successful Plumbers Evening in Free State

20 May 2016 1:52 PM | Deleted user

IOPSA’s Free State plumbers’ evening was an enjoyable and educational experience for all

The Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA)’s Free State plumbers’ evening, held at Berlesell in Bloemfontein on 18 May 2016, was a roaring success.

The plumbers’ evenings, which are held on a regular basis by IOPSA around South Africa, provide plumbers with the opportunity to socialize with one another and, in this case, listen to those who ‘have been there’.

Wentzel de Jongh from Bakgat Plumbers was the Winner of a Fantastic Prize from DPI Plastics. Pictured: Wentzel (Bakgat) and Steve Brown (IOPSA)
Nico Pretorius from Davico Plumbers won his Annual Membership FREE! Pictured: Nico (Davico) and Steve Brown (IOPSA)
Ladies and Gentlemen enjoying the Informative Event The gathering of Plumbers at the Waterhole

Our Guest Speaker Mr Piet Naude, a plumber and business owner gave an informative talk about his experience in the industry.

The evening was most informative highlighting changes in the Industry, protecting the plumber, CPD, re-branding, the insurance forum, the WPC 2016 and adding value to members along with other items.

Great thanks are extended to our sponsors Heat Tech, DPI Plastics, Marley and Berlesell. Commendations to Tokkie of IOPSA Free State for her outstanding efforts!

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