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Tshwane IOPSA Sub Committee - "Be the change you want to see"

27 Sep 2017 8:55 AM | Anonymous

The plumbing industry has moved forward in leaps and bounds driven by IOPSA with Gary Macnamara at the helm steering our ship.
Gary as many know has moved on to greater challenges in life.

He has left us with a thriving IOPSA community on which we get the privilege to grow, and with this privilege I am proud to announce the beginning of the Tshwane IOPSA Committee.

This will allow plumbers in the Pretoria area to get more attention in terms of meetings in Pretoria helping us grow the Tshwane IOPSA plumbers community.
IOPSA's core belief is to uplift the standards by getting involved with every IOPSA member, helping them with their business, providing support in the latest trends within the plumbing industry and forming partnerships with businesses to provide IOPSA members with better discounts like the incredible deal they have with the NP200 that is R40 000 cheaper.

Providing Training in the latest SANS regulations that are being updated. Things that I know as a plumber are essential to my business growing to the next level.

As we all know IOPSA is a Non-profit volunteer driven organisation and without the plumbers it cannot deliver what we as plumbers truly need - support. We are so alone in our businesses grinding away struggling with the same problems but no one to talk to. Imagine being able to get together and find out how another plumber solved the same problem you had? Or this new job you are taking on and have no experience in it and being an IOSPA member you can call them and get the advice you need. This is why I am on the Committee, I want to be the difference I desire to see from others. I am tired of complaining and not seeing results. I want to be the change, not the problem, which is why IOPSA’s tag line of “Be the change YOU want to see” resonates with me.

Being part of the committee and attending the IOPSA meetings my business has grown. I have learnt of new opportunities in the same jobs I do every day just because I attended a meeting that was so skilfully put together my Kaela and the IOPSA Gauteng committee. They are doing their best to give their best to us. This has truly inspired me and encouraged me to do my part in making South Africa great again. I am not going to wait for someone else to make the change.

So come and join us, by just being part of the meetings and encouraging those around you to attend, we will be that difference that you want to see happen in the South African Plumbing Industry!

For more information on the Pretoria sub committee please contact Kaela on 011 454 0025 or email us at



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