The survey was open to anyone to complete but the main communication channels were through IOPSA and PIRB.
CPD points were made available for all PIRB registered respondents. More than 85% of the responses received were from PIRB registered plumbers and 35.9% of the respondents were from IOPSA members.
Therefore the results could be seen as representing the views of the Formal Plumbing Sector. Other efforts are underway to gather input from the informal sector, but this is proving to be very challenging.
The survey will be conducted annually by IOPSA in an effort to gain meaningful data and trends. As this is the first such survey there is no comparative data but in future there will be. The survey will be conducted in August each year.
For more information please contact the IOPSA national office on 011 454 0025 or email
Click here to view the full survey