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  • 13 Apr 2015 9:38 AM | Anonymous

    IOPSA launched a new consumer website that helps connect plumbers to consumers.

    The Institute of Plumbers South Africa (IOPSA) has launched a new website which the Institute hopes will benefit the industry. The website is dedicated to creating awareness, educating the consumer and promoting Institute members. 

    This website is where you can view your company details, which IOPSA markets to consumers and property owners.

    Consumers can search by service required, type of plumber and by city. Visitors to the website can also view members’ locations using Google Maps. Each member’s services are tagged and optimised for Google searches.

    To check out the new website, go to  

  • 10 Apr 2015 10:06 AM | Anonymous

    The Free State branch of the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) invites you to their annual golf day, to be held on 10 September 2015 at Schoeman Park, Bloemfontein. 

    Complete your entry form today, so that you can take part in what will prove to be a day of fun, sun and excellent golfing!

    For more information contact Tokkie Fraser on 051 430 2994.  

  • 07 Apr 2015 9:25 AM | Anonymous
    We take a look at the benefits members gain when they join the IOPSA institute

    The Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) is the only institute in South Africa that provides a voice for plumbers. Below is a breakdown of all the benefits members will gain when they join IOPSA.

    IOPSA’s vision is Better Plumbing for All, and the institute’s mission is:
    • To represent the value proposition of the plumber.
    • To be the leading body for the plumbing sector.
    • To advocate best practice.
    • To promote sustainable business practices.
    • To actively support relevant skills development through training and education.
    IOPSA top membership benefits
    IOPSA top members can enjoy the following benefits…
    1. Plumber training: The association is a Quality Council on Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Assessment Quality Partner for solar geyser and heat pump training, and can assist with trade testing and training provider accreditation. It is also a Continual Professional Development (CPD) activity co-ordinator and development of industry training as a whole.
    2. Technical support: Includes member technical advice and standards guidance.
    3. Consumer recourse: Promote consumer confidence, member code of conduct and consumer recourse.
    4. Business guidance: Development an empowerment through business acumen and business tools.
    5. Promotion of members: Advertising and promotion of members including the value of IOPSA members bring to the industry, marketing both nationally and regionally.
    National membership benefits
    IOPSA is the leading body for the plumbing industry and offers quite a few national membership benefits, including:

    1. Industry training and uplifting of standards;

    2. Plumbing industry projects;
    3. Plumbing industry special interest groups;
    4. Advocating of quality products;
    5. Quality brand and registered installers;
    6. Insurance panel recognised;
    7. National marketing and promotions;
    8. Networking and events opportunities;
    9. Industry representation at South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS), insurers, local and national government, South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and global representation Joint Acceptance Scheme for Water Services Installation Components (JASWIC); and
    10. Association and collaboration with the Plumbing Industry Registration Board (PIRB).
    Regional membership benefits

    1. Member’s online directory;

    2. Vehicle decals;
    3. Municipality engagement;
    4. Plumber meetings and networking event opportunities;
    5. Skills development and training;
    6. Technical and business support; and
    7. Regional consumer recourse.
  • 02 Apr 2015 9:38 AM | Anonymous
    By: Martin Coetzee – technical officer at IOPSA

    The Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) takes a look at South African National Standards (SANS) 10106 and how it affects solar water heating installations

    Numerous laws, regulations, bylaws, contract and tender specifications, service level agreements, rebate terms of reference etc., require that solar water heating installations must comply with SANS 10106 for the installation, repair and replacement of domestic solar water heating systems.

    It has been seen by some as a market disadvantage to the good plumbers who do correct installations but who then get undermined by the bad plumbers who either don’t know what the SANS standards require, or they are in the business of cutting corners and quoting lower prices by using materials that don’t comply with SANS standards. The enforcement mechanisms in the plumbing industry are the municipal water/sanitation and building inspectors and the Plumbing Industry Registration Board (PIRB) certificates of compliance (COC) with built-in percentage inspection mechanisms.

    Section 9 of SANS 10106: 2014 now makes the issuing of a COC a requirement, the same as an electrician must issue an electrical COC for the electrical installation. This section reads, ‘9.1 - A plumbing COC from the plumbing professional body registered under the relevant national body [the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)] shall be issued ...where work has been carried out on the hot water reticulation system which includes the installation of a solar system.’ The professional body for plumbing registered with SAQA is the PIRB.

    A solar water heating system is therefore not SANS 10106 compliant if a PIRB certificate has not been issued. It is important for plumbers who are complying with the legal requirements regarding all solar water heating installations, to ensure that their clients and potential clients are aware that they are in fact PIRB registered and do issue PIRB COC in full compliance with SANS 10106, as required. Such COCs will also be required for insurance cover of the installation. This now levels the playing fields so that the minimum level for competing in the market are the requirements of SANS 10106, nothing less. It is therefore in your interest to obtain a copy of SANS 10106: 2014 edition 4 and make yourself familiar with its requirements.

    The practice of doing solar installations without being properly qualified, not using compliant materials and not issuing PIRB COC is now illegal in terms of the National Building Regulations, the Water Services Act, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the water and sanitation bylaws, and the Consumer Protection Act.
  • 25 Mar 2015 1:31 PM | Anonymous
    National executive committee members of the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) came together on 5 - 6 March, at the St. George hotel in Pretoria for their 72nd national committee meeting.

    On 5 March, the IOPSA 2015/2016 budget was presented and approved. The national executive welcomed the new IOPSA treasurer, Mark Pratt. Feedback was also given by the training, technical, and operations officers, and regional chairman. The SA Skills competition 2015 report was presented.

    A report on the progress of the World Plumbing Conference (WPC) 2016 was all tabled and it was reported that all is on track. Thanks to Interact Media Defined, the event organisers, and the WPC 2016 organising committee.

    A workshop was held on March 6, which included discussions surrounding the IOPSA master plan, various IOPSA projects as well as the communication plan going forward.

    Overall, the 72nd national committee meeting was beneficial for IOPSA, regions and the plumbing industry and, as emphasised by the executive director, it was “well received, good progress and exciting times ahead”.

    The Institute has a promising future. With the dedication and support of its members and volunteers, IOPSA will achieve its vision of plumbing for all and uplifting the standards of the plumbing industry in South Africa.
  • 25 Mar 2015 1:20 PM | Anonymous
    IOPSA (Institute of Plumbing South Africa) is the only institute in South Africa that provides a voice for plumbers by representing small and medium sized employers and contractors on a national basis. And, as such, the Institute is producing a pricing guide to help plumbers understand the value of their services.

    Representing the value proposition of the plumber
    The Institute actively engages with and has the support of the plumbing supply chain participants such as manufacturers, merchants and retailers who recognise that the fulfilment of the plumbing supply chain is through the plumbers.

    Why is IOPSA producing an industry pricing guide?
    Challenges facing the plumbing industry have created the need to change the industry and the mind-sets of individuals within it.

    The key challenges, such as a lack of qualified tradesman, development of historically disadvantaged tradesman and the use of non-approved products in the South African environment, have resulted in poor sanitation and infrastructure in South Africa. One of many factors that can be linked to this is the plumber’s lack of understanding of his/her value and how to run a sustainable business.

    IOPSA pricing guide concept
    IOPSA pricing guide concept

    In order to gauge the value of a plumber, the following aspects must be taken into consideration:
    • Plumbing qualification levels, experience and skills;
    • Standard of living;
    • Cost of being in business;
    • Medical aid and pension funds;
    • Level playing field for all.
    These aspects will act as guidelines for evaluating the value of a plumber, which will help customers understand what they are paying for when they secure the services of a plumber, educate consumers and property owners on the value of plumbers, and increase access to plumbing services for the diverse population of South African consumers.

    IOPSA will be printing 3 000 copies of the pricing guide, which will be available at plumbing merchant stores and retail stories, and will be updated annually.
  • 25 Mar 2015 12:50 PM | Anonymous
    IOPSA members step out for a night of dancing, dinner and acknowledgment. The Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA) held their Annual Dinner and Awards, a masquerade ball, on 5 March at Stone Cradle in Pretoria.

    The event, attended by IOPSA members dressed to the nines, was opened by the institute’s executive director, Gary Macnamara, who welcomed the attendees and thanked the industry for their participation in the glitzy affair. Macnamara thanked Geberit, On Tap, Cobra and Plumblink for sponsoring the event, and Lou-Ann Macnamara and her team from LimeOnline, who put the event together on IOPSA’s behalf.

    IOPSA president, Lea Smith, encouraged industry members to be the managers of their own destinies. He said the future of the plumbing industry was in the hands of the plumbers and they must work together to ensure that future is bright. He said the institute has begun a journey to change the industry for the plumbers’ benefit. “What IOPSA has done for the industry, and in turn you, is enormous.”

    Smith told those in attendance that exciting prospects loom on the horizon for IOPSA and the industry as a whole, and he urged South Africa’s plumbers to work together to help IOPSA uplift the industry.

    The event also served as IOPSA’s annual awards evening, and three awards were given to those who have provided the industry and the institute with outstanding service.

    The ‘Service to the Institute and Plumbing Industry’ award was presented to Martin Coetzee, for giving his time and dedication to the industry. Steven Brown was awarded with the ‘Service to the Institute’ award, for his dedicated service to IOPSA over the years. Plumbing Africa’s editor, Rory Macnamara, was presented with the ‘Contribution to the Plumbing Industry’ award. This award is given to an individual who is not an IOPSA member but who has contributed to plumbing industry as a whole. David Malematsa and Mbali Mabena from 0860Plumber won the award for ‘Best Dressed’.

    Entertainment was provided by the Shakes Production, a glittering cover band that had everyone on their feet.

  • 27 Sep 2014 7:19 AM | Deleted user

    IOPSA CPD calendar launching October 2014

    Types of Catagories

    Category 1: Developmental Activities:
    Development CPD Activities are activities that are related to a structured educational and developmental meetings, seminars and training programs. All development activities must be approved and accredited by the PIRB before a CPD credit(s) may be allocated to the relevant activities and be awarded to the relevant registered person.

    Category 2: Work-based Activities:
    Work-based CPD Activities are activities that are related to any work-based related plumbingactivities. These activities may include but not be limited to, learner mentorship programs and issuing of plumbing certificates of compliance. All work-based activities must be approved and accredited by the PIRB before a CPD credit(s) may be allocated to the relevant activities and be awarded to the relevant registered person.

    Category 3: Individual Activities:
    As the name implies individual CPD Activities are activities that are related to activities under takenby the each relevant individual. These activities may include but not be limited to serving on a voluntary association related to the plumbing and or building industry, writing a technical article and or part-time lecturing/training. All individuals activities must be approved and accredited by the PIRB before a CPD credit(s) may be allocated to the relevant activities and be awarded to the relevant registered person.

    25 Credits over a 12 month cycle

    VIEW Category one Activities

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* Please note that all articles are dated and content was valid at the time of publication. 



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