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  • 09 Jul 2020 2:12 PM | Anonymous


    DATE: 24 June 2020

    RE: NRCS issues a stern warning against the illegal trade practice of Geysers

    The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) has been inundated with complaints on the sale and advertisement of second hand/refurbished geysers that do not comply with the applicable technical regulation (VC 9006) for hot water storage tanks for domestic use. In response, the Regulator conducted inspections and discovered a surge in the illegal selling of refurbished geysers.

    All geysers, new and modified, must conform with the safety and labeling requirements as outlined in the technical regulation before being offered for sale. It is therefore required of any business trading in these products to submit an application for approval of sale to the NRCS.

    Through this process, an applicant, importer or manufacturer of a regulated products is required to submit a sample of a product and a full test report acquired from an accredited testing facility for examination, testing or evaluation to determine compliance with the relevant compulsory specifications that are in force before the Letter of Authority Certificate (LOA) is issued.

    The Regulator assesses the evidence of conformity supplied by the applicant and grant approval when the mandatory requirements have been met. This is rigorous administrative and technical process which is followed to ensure that no LOA Certificates are issued to unscrupulous traders, manufactures or importers.

    All industry players, contractors, insurance companies and other interested parties are therefore warned not to manufacture or sell non-compliant second hand or refurbished geysers if not approved by the NRCS.

    Non-compliant products are hazardous and can cause harm to consumers. Similarly, faulty geysers can easily explode or cause an electric shock when used and are also not energy efficient.

    Research has indicated that geysers account for up to 39% of household electricity bills and it is hoped that the enforcement of the regulation by the NRCS will decrease the energy demand and bring much needed relief to consumers who are feeling the effects of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

    Suppliers and manufacturers shall ensure that the product’s energy consumption information is provided on the label and dealers must ensure that they affix the supplied label on the outside of displayed products and ensure that potential end-users are provided with product energy efficiency class and energy consumption data before purchase.

    The NRCS would also like to urge South African consumers to be alert and request sellers to produce proof of compliance (LOA) for products before they purchase them.

    Enforcing VC 9006 is in line with the NRCS’s mandate of protecting human health, safety, the environment and ensuring fair trade as well as rooting out non-compliant products in the market.

    For media interviews, please contact Mirriam Moswaane on 012 482 8826 / 083 364 2007 and for technical queries please contact Bongani Khanyile on 012 482 8886


  • 01 Jul 2020 1:35 PM | Anonymous

    SqwidNet partners with the Institute of Plumbing South Africa to transform plumber training in the industry.  The Digital Plumber Training Program provides 4IR skills to future proof the business of plumbers and drive water-saving behaviour across the country.

    SqwidNet, the only licensed Sigfox operator in South Africa, has partnered with the country’s leading plumbing body, the Institute of Plumbing South Africa (IOPSA), to launch a South African first: the Digital Plumber Training Programme. This unique training programme was developed in collaboration with Macrocomm, an IoT (Internet of Things) company, and Ontec (a leading utility services provider) to provide plumbers with the digital skills and practical know-how required to embrace the digital era,  advance their customer offering and grow their business.

    “Plumbers sit at the forefront of the water challenges currently facing South Africa, but only a few know how digital solutions can eradicate many of these challenges,” says Phathizwe Malinga, managing director of SqwidNet. “This training programme is designed to empower plumbers so they can digitise their current service to their customers, commercially evolve their offerings, and drive adoption of smart water solutions.”

    The Digital Plumber Training Programme designed by Macrocomm’s Smart Academy consists of two modules: a Technical and Installation Module, and a Personal Selling Module.   The Personal Selling module adds uniqueness and depth to the programme by focussing on the propositioning and business acumen aspects needed by plumbers to develop their business model, and confidently articulate the digital-solution value to customers. 

    IOPSA and the Plumbing Industry Registration Body (PIRB) have accredited the programme and awarded four CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points to the Technical and Installation module, and three CPD points to the Personal Selling Module.   Plumbers require 25 CPD points per year to maintain their professional registration with PIRB. This programme supports and promotes the continuous development of the plumber’s skills and knowledge; offering plumbers a novel way to remain relevant and compliant with registration requirements. This training programme was originally developed as a hands-on, in-class programme, has subsequently been adapted to an online programme to suit the new regulations put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “We crafted a specialised offering for plumbers that is designed to give them the skills, understanding, and expertise they need to expand their market share and offer their customers new and inventive solutions,” says Nick Joubert, National Training Manager at IOPSA. “They can use the skills that they learn in the programme to create consumer-friendly solutions, that they can easily sell.  Certified Digital Plumbers have the flexibility to bundle the offering as their own or develop it into more advanced solutions for the business market through partnerships.”

    “The training programme itself is delivered by IOPSA and Macrocomm, both companies providing essential expertise and support to those attending the course,” says Joubert. “It is focused on upskilling plumbers and assisting them with the transition to the IoT based smart water solutions. It also introduces them to SABS approved smart water solutions that leverage IoT to meet the pressing water scarcity issues in the country.”

    Complimentary to the Digital Plumber training is an off-the-shelf Sigfox enabled smart water solution, designed, and built with SqwidNet partners, Macrocomm and Ontec.  The solution is intuitive, simple, and cost-effective – ideally suited for certified digital plumbers to take to market. 

    SqwidNet Chief Solution Officer, Ushal Moonsamy adds that bringing together expert partners was crucial in designing the ground-breaking Digital Plumber initiative. This has resulted in the crafting of a holistic solution for plumbers that includes IoT technical and sales skills development, an easy to use smart water product, nationwide availability, and support. “It’s this type of trust and collaboration that shifts industries forward, changes behaviours and achieves exponential outcomes.”

    The smart water meter solution allows certified digital plumbers to convert their customers’ ordinary water meters quickly and easily into smart water meters.  The solution enables the plumber to advance their offering by providing a service to proactively manage leak detection, effect necessary repairs and maintenance repairs, and systematic ways in which to reduce water consumption.  When the solution detects water leaks, it instantaneously notifies the homeowner or business owner, and the plumber who can quickly and proactively fix the problem. The solution not only offers immense financial value to the user in terms of preventing bill shock – sudden astronomical bill due to undetected leaks - but also provides everyone with real-time awareness of their water usage and consumption patterns over time.  The smart water solution is app-enabled - using their mobile device, users can set goals, monitor their usage, and constructively challenge themselves to change their water-using habits.

    “Understanding how and when water is used not only saves money for the customer, but it also goes a long way towards managing the current water crisis,” concludes Malinga. “Every part of this solution, from the training course to the tools and solutions on offer, has been designed to support one of the very real challenges that our country faces today.”

    The Digital Plumber Training Programme, developed by SqwidNet, Macrocomm, Ontec, and IOPSA, is the first accredited training programme of its kind in South Africa and the local industry. It creates new opportunities for plumbers in the country and ensures that they gain highly relevant skills while completing their mandatory CPD training and simultaneously changing the game in water conservation.


  • 28 May 2020 8:41 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Rory,

    Thank you for your request for advice for plumbers to flush out pipes impacted by water stagnation during the COVID-19 lockdown. The information provided here is intended to raise awareness and provide guidance on water quality issues pertinent to stagnation resulting from the COVID-19 lockdowns with specific reference to Legionella risks. The information is based on literature currently available. As more research is done information may change.

    Guidance to managing Legionella risks in building water systems with no or reduced occupancy during COVID-19 lockdown

    In compliance to the government COVID-19 lockdown regulations, many buildings including offices, retail outlets, restaurants, hotels, factories, schools, gyms, community centres among others were left unused or sub-operational with no or low occupancy for a significant amount of time. This leads to potential water stagnation in water pipes, fixtures, and storage tanks as water usage was reduced significantly or brought to a halt in some instances. Another possible consequence of the lockdown is the inability to monitor and maintain cold or hot water systems as required. These conditions can create hazards due to deterioration of water quality with possible adverse health risks to returning occupants.

    Building water quality concerns during lockdown

    As the government begins to ease lockdown restrictions and more companies prepare to re-open, it is important that building owners and operators are aware of concerns that could threaten the quality and safety of the water in their premises. An unintended health risk that could result from the fight against COVID-19 is legionellosis.  Legionella infections can cause Legionnaires’ disease (a severe type of pneumonia) and Pontiac fever (a mild form), collectively known as legionellosis. Persons with compromised immune systems are at risk of contracting the disease, similar to COVID-19.

    A conducive environment for Legionella growth

    • A stagnant water system provides the ‘right’ conditions and a potential breeding ground for bacteria such as Legionella to proliferate due to several reasons.
      • Hot and cold water temperatures can stabilise into a range that favours Legionella growth (25–40°C)
      • The chlorine disinfectant added to the water supplied to a building can drop to ineffective levels
      • Stagnation can promote biofilms to develop in pipes and fixtures
    • Once established in a building’s plumbing, Legionella can be dispersed by aerosol generating activities, potentially exposing individuals through inhalation of aerosols

    Building water systems and devices impacted by stagnation

    Systems and devices that are prone to water stagnation during a lockdown include:

    • Toilets and showers
    • Sink faucets
    • Eye wash stations
    • Emergency showers
    • Irrigation and fire hoses
    • Cooling towers
    • Evaporative condensers
    • Decorative fountains
    • Hot tubs and spas
    • Misters, atomisers and humidifiers

    Recommendations to safe re-opening of buildings during or after the risk-adjusted easing of COVID-19 lockdown

    Building owners and operators must take all reasonably practicable precautions to control any water hygiene-related risks that may have arisen during the lockdown such as Legionella growth. Professional assistance is recommended to evaluate these factors so that appropriate measures can be taken. Given the variability and complexity of plumbing, generalizations are not possible. The main concern is whether the water poses unacceptable health risks to building occupants, which can differ drastically in terms of building size and complexity, length of shutdown, likely integrity of the system, vulnerability of occupants, and water uses. All procedures implemented should be documented.

    Risk assessment


    Risk assessments are done to check system integrity and should inform measures to be followed to restore water quality to pre-COVID conditions.


    • Review water hygiene and Legionella risk assessment to reflect current usage and consider whether there is a heightened risk of Legionella as a result of the lockdown.
    • Risk assessment should be carried out by a trained and competent person.
    • Where risk is identified, appropriate steps (such as interim control measures such as flushing or water testing and/or treatments) should be determined and actioned in a timely manner.



    Flushing replaces low quality water with high quality ‘fresh water’ from the municipal supply thereby removing contaminants and biofilms that accumulated during stagnation. Repeated flushing maybe required to bring the building water system back to baseline conditions


    ·        Consider flushing the entire building water system including hot and cold water through all points of use (showers, faucets etc.)

    • It may need to occur in segments due to facility size and water pressure issues
    • Flushing order also matters and professional assistants might be required to help understand plumbing configurations and flushing volumes

    ·        Flushing should proceed in one direction and zone-by zone, starting from the point of entry going progressively to the distal points of the plumbing system

    • It is advisable to flush cold water first followed by hot water

    ·        Consider removing some plumbing components (aerators, showerheads, filters) that restrict flow rates but remember to clean and disinfect bypassed components

    • Flushing requirements are site-specific but run the water until a constant cold water temperature is maintained and disinfectant is detected   

    Clean and disinfect fixtures


    Some components of the water system need additional measures because they can generate aerosols. Cleaning of fixtures removes contaminants and biofilms from the complex internal structures at the point of discharge.


    • Remove aerators, faucets, shower heads etc. and clean and disinfect with bleach before returning to service

    Shock disinfection


    Disinfection is particularly important when the facility serves a vulnerable population, such as immune-compromised individuals or the building is a large system with a history of contamination with Legionella or other harmful microorganisms


    • Facility staff can send a high dose of disinfectant such as chlorine through the building or raise temperatures to kill the microbes
    • Disinfectants such as chlorine are dangerous to handle and can cause serious damage to plumbing system components if not properly used
    • In most cases, flushing buildings with water that has normal amounts of chlorine as supplied by the municipality is sufficient for cleaning the water system
    • Get professional assistance regarding methods and chemicals compatible with plumbing material
    • Thoroughly flush the system before and after shock-disinfection to improve results and remove disinfectants

    How do you know if your procedure has been effective and water is now safe for use?

    • Consider collecting water samples for Legionella and portability tests at a qualified and reputable laboratory
    • Verify potable water disinfectant residuals
      • Chlorine residuals should be monitored at the point of entry to verify sufficient disinfectant levels are provided to the building
      • Chlorine residuals should also be monitored at locations throughout the building to ensure flushing minimizes degradation of disinfectant residuals at the points of use
      • Free chlorine residuals should be monitored if the building is supplied with chlorinated water, and total chlorine residuals monitored if supplied with chloramine treated water

    Worker protection

    Ensure safety of workers during the flushing, cleaning and disinfection procedures

    • Workers should be competent and appropriately trained for the work they will be doing
    • Appropriate PPE e.g. gloves, N95 masks (fit-tested), and face shields, should be worn to prevent exposure from disinfection chemicals, and potentially contaminated splashes and aerosols
    • Avoid splashing and creating aerosols during flushing by using hoses to connect taps or shower head ends directly to drains, or by opening outlets slowly
    • Prevent exposure of workers to chemicals or high temperature water by using signage or access control
    • Social distancing protocols should be observed during risk assessments, cleaning and disinfection procedures

    The information provided here is intended to raise awareness and provide guidance on water quality issues pertinent to stagnation resulting from the COVID-19 lockdowns with specific reference to Legionella risks. The information is based on literature currently available. As more research is done information may change.


    Noncy Gomba, PhD

    Senior Research Scientist

    National Health Laboratory Service

    National Institute for Occupational Health

    Immunology and Microbiology Department

    PO Box 4788, Johannesburg, 2000, RSA

    Office: +27 (0) 11 712 6404

    Email: | Website:;


    CDC Guidance for Building Water Systems:  

    CDC Guidance for Building Water Systems: Ensure the safety of your building water system and devices after a prolonged shutdown (

    Proctor, C., Rhoads, W., Keane, T., Salehi, M., Hamilton, K., Pieper, K. J., … Whelton, A. (2020, April 8). Considerations for Large Building Water Quality after Extended Stagnation.      

    Rhoads, William, and Caitlin Proctor. “Frequently Asked Questions - Building Water Safety in Response to COVID-19.” Center for Plumbing Safety - Purdue University, Purdue University,


  • 21 May 2020 9:38 AM | Anonymous


    Harscan has developed a range of products and solutions to assist with the regulated requirements in terms of sanitation and general safety.

    Click here to download the product list!

  • 28 Apr 2020 9:55 AM | Anonymous








    07h00 - 07h30


    Chris Coetzee




    11h00 - 12h00

    Compliance Auditor

    Steve B

    CA SLA Requirements



    13h00 - 14h00

    Plumber Training


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    07h00 - 07h30




    11h00 - 12h00

    Plumber Training

    Robbie Webb




    13h00 - 14h00

    Plumber Training


    Reading a Balance Sheet, the lay-man’s guide



    16h00 - 17h00

    Bus Development

    Brad Boertje

    DOING BUSINESS WITH THE IOPSA CONTRACT FOR MINOR PLUMBING WORKS: Module 6: Balancing contractual astuteness and business relationships



    07h00 - 07h30

    Tech Talks

    Adriaan, Maruis, Richard, Herman, Steve

    Q&A Session



    11h00 - 12h00

    Compliance Auditor

    Steve B, Lea, Brendan, Herman

    Covid return and New Auditing system principles



    13h00 - 14h00

    Plumber Training

    Debbie Donaldson

    Returning to work after Lockdown



    16h00 - 17h00

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    Vermont - Anchors/ Rawl bolts

    To register to attend these webinars please click here:

    Tuesday morning English ToolBox Talk:   

    Thursday morning Tech Talks:

  • 28 Apr 2020 9:21 AM | Anonymous


     Rehabilitating Stagnant Water Systems

    Post SA Lockdown COVID 19

    Dear valued members 

    As soon as the South African Lockdown COVID-19 period ends, people will start heading back to their work premises that have for weeks now been unoccupied or sparsely used as a result of the lockdown.

    We point out that that water not drawn through a plumbing system within a building over an extended period of time will become stagnant.

    Stagnation of water within building pipes and other water systems may contain excessive amounts of heavy metals. As a result this may support the accelerated growth of many microorganisms and pathogens, such as Legionella Pneumophila that can cause great harm to building occupants. Just as with the COVID-19, those that are at the greatest risk of becoming ill from such pathogens are the elderly and those who are immunocompromised.

    Plumbing systems will therefore have to be prepared for regular use again and IOPSA urges all its members to please place high importance on protecting the public’s health and safety. Therefore, attention should be given to the rehabilitation of such water systems within 5-7 days before the building is re-occupied. Please note that this period may vary from the periods given by local authorities and this would also need to be taken into consideration.

    Below are some guidelines and best practices to be considered to rehabilitate a stagnant water line for regular use again:

    Flushing of all water systems

    • ·        All water systems in buildings will need to be thoroughly flushed prior to being put back into service.
    • ·        Flushing includes the opening of all water outlet taps, mixers, showers including toilets and urinals.
    • ·        Flushing the system will purge the stagnant water and improve water quality.
    • ·        Remember to flush all drinking water fountains. Water coolers need to be emptied, cleaned as per the manufacturer’s requirements, and refilled with fresh potable water.
    • ·        All hot water storage heaters (geyser) including point of use geysers would need to be adequate flushed and heated to a minimum of 60 degrees Celsius for at least 1 hour wherever possible.


    The flushing of the water system will depend and differ from building to building. Factors such as building reticulation design and distance from service connection will be one of many factors to consider when trying to determine the time per terminal point to be flushed.

    Taking the above into account, IOPSA cannot give an exact time to allow such purging of stagnant water from each point.
    The licenced plumber will have to evaluate each case on merit and also take into account means to try reduce unnecessary water wastage such as the testing of water quality

    IOPSA encourages good health practices and we urge our members and their staff attending to such rehabilitation of stagnant water systems to please take care and wear the correct PPE. Remember to open taps slowly to avoid splashing and before flushing toilets to close the toilet lids to prevent aerosols filling or splashing from the toilet.

    Other building water systems

    All other water systems in a building, such as water re-use systems (storage tanks), water features such as fountains, and irrigation systems will need to be flushed. Please remember to follow the manufacturer recommendations for disinfecting such water systems. Please refer to SANS 10252-1 ref 6.5.2 and 9.3.2 for more guidance.

    Floor drains and grease traps

    In respect of buildings that have floor drains - be sure to clean and flush the drain and to make sure that the trap is fully restored in order to keep sewer gases from entering the building.

    Grease traps and gulleys need to be cleared, cleaned, and flushed.

    Additional considerations

    Removal and cleaning of end-point devices such as faucet aerators, drinking fountain, water filtration systems, point of use water heaters and filtration systems would be a good practice.
    (Please consult the manufacturer on specific procedures to be followed)

    We recommend that should the occupants need to drink water that they either use bottled water or boil the water first and allow it to cool down before consuming it. This should be implemented for at least the first week of re-occupying the building to allow the water lines to be sufficiently flushed.

    IOPSA Management and staff take this opportunity to thank each and every IOPSA member for their role and contribution to the plumbing industry and especially to the health and safety of our nation.

    Steve van Zyl
    National Technical Manager

    This document may be amended as we identify new or better remedial procedures and recommendations that can be made in protecting our potable water.

    To download the formal statement click here

  • 28 Apr 2020 8:40 AM | Anonymous
    Organization Phone Membership Region
    3G Plumbing CC +27 824796463 Gauteng
    A B T Plumbers CC 083 445 8022 Kwazulu Natal
    A.R.M Electrical & Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 011 615 4310 Gauteng
    AA1 Stop Plumbing 0119296230 Gauteng
    AAA-BA Best Plumbers +27 119753307 Gauteng
    AB Plumbing Specialist +27 333942491 Kwazulu Natal
    Abafazi Bayasebenza Construction & Projects 011 680 6798 Gauteng
    Absolute Geyser Solutions cc 011 663 2300 Gauteng
    Active Blue Plumbing +27 728502183 Gauteng
    Adeo South Africa T/A Leroy Merlin 0104935171 Gauteng
    AdHoc Plumbers CC +27 123315440 Gauteng
    AdHoc Plumbers East (Pty) Ltd. 013 692 8396 Gauteng
    Africa International Training Facilities 011 9679940 Gauteng
    Africa Skills Village Training & Management Services (Pty) Ltd (Start date confirmed) 044 884 0791 Southern Cape
    Agnor Plumbing +27 437485975 Border
    Ahead in Plumbing 071 063 4983 Limpopo
    AJC Plumbing CC 011 4523368 Gauteng
    Alexander Maintenance & Electrical  Services cc 041 453 6020 Eastern Cape
    All Plumbing and Drainage +27 217824400 Western Cape
    Alleys Industrial Services CC (Start date confirmed) 035 789 8981 Kwazulu Natal
    Alliance Plumbers +27 414515570 Eastern Cape
    Alpha Plumbing 011 794 2431 Gauteng
    Andion Plumbing CC +27 436433907 Border
    Andries Van Zyl Plumbing 0722001025 Southern Cape
    Apache Telecoms and Electrical (Pty) Ltd 010 880 2424 Gauteng
    APN Maintenance 072 020 0755 Free State
    Aqua Plumbing +27 217904786 Western Cape
    Aquadream Construction 072 285 3124 Gauteng
    Aquality Plumbers 011 706 0131 Gauteng
    Aquality Wolseley (Start date confirmed) +27 232310281 Western Cape
    Aqua-Tap Plumbing +27 357891800 Kwazulu Natal
    Aquatech Plumbing 0215574645 Western Cape
    Armani Maintenance +27 129917564 Gauteng
    Aspro Maintenance (Pty) Ltd. 011 472 4486 Gauteng
    Atlanta Plumbing and Drain Services (Pty) Ltd. 081 462 4464 Gauteng
    Audaxis Civils (Pty) Ltd. 083 388 4538 Gauteng
    Autoplumb Suppliers CC T/A APS Plumbing Supplies 012 653 1991 Gauteng
    Avanti Plumbers (Start date confirmed) 086 091 8918 Kwazulu Natal
    Bakgat Plumbing +27 573529882 Free State
    Barlands Plumbing 076 250 5475 Southern Cape
    Barleda 108CC t/a Derwent Plumbing 039 684 5140 Kwazulu Natal
    BC Plumbing T/A Progressive Plumbers 043 721 1373 Border
    Bennett Plumbers 041 3673919 Eastern Cape
    Berea Plumbers CC +27 315613356 Kwazulu Natal
    Bettafix Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 031 914 0179 Kwazulu Natal
    Biggs and Co 061 444 8597 Eastern Cape
    Billson Plumbers 041 373 1827 Eastern Cape
    Blockbusters and Partners 011 728 2016 Gauteng
    Bluespec Contractors Group 010 205 9285 Gauteng
    Bonties Plumbing 041 3675327 Eastern Cape
    BQ Electrical and Plumbing Services 072 728 8000 Southern Cape
    Brett's Plumbers 011 465 7342 Gauteng
    Brightserve (PTY) Ltd 071 351 9625 Gauteng
    Bububa Holdings (Pty) Ltd 086 148 8849 Gauteng
    Bulumko Group (Pty) Ltd 011 050 0622 Gauteng
    Burgess and Partners (Pty) Ltd +27 114542266 Gauteng
    Buys Plumbers CC +27 413650775 Eastern Cape
    Calafrica (Pty) Ltd 011 795 1519 Gauteng
    Cape's Pride Plumbing   Western Cape
    CASA Plumbing & Drains - Durban (Water Berry Trading) 031 5641807 Kwazulu Natal
    CF Thompson Plumbers cc +27 333452386 Kwazulu Natal
    Churchill Plumbing, Heat Pumps and Solar Water Heating 072 945 3605 Gauteng
    Cj Doffay Plumbing T/A Coastline Plumbing 035 550 0104 Kwazulu Natal
    Coalition Cabling & Electrical 021 699 0190 Western Cape
    Corn Africa Plumbing (Pty) Ltd. 011 987 1064 Gauteng
    Currie Plumbers +27 41581378 Eastern Cape
    D&D Maintenance +27 834483401 Border
    Dave Miller Plumbers 0118875719 Gauteng
    Dave Raw Plumbing 039 727 2999 Kwazulu Natal
    Davico Plumbing +27 515223565 Free State
    David Stuthard Plumbing & Electrical 041 364 0025 Eastern Cape
    Davnic Plumbing 0100203218 Gauteng
    De Wet Projects T/A Buildview 076 148 1974 Gauteng
    Del Electrical Group (Pty) Ltd 051 101 1660 Free State
    Deniel's Plumbing 041 371 5132 Eastern Cape
    Denis Plumbers cc 044 874 4408 Southern Cape
    Detecta Leak cc (Start date confirmed) +27 861005325 Kwazulu Natal
    Dikose Trading 073 126 1993 Kwazulu Natal
    DMS Plumbing 0114322825 Gauteng
    Drain Away (Start date confirmed) +27 396952307 Kwazulu Natal
    Drain Meister CC 031 700 6040 Kwazulu Natal
    Drainmen Services Group (Pty) Ltd 0215574645 Western Cape
    Drips Plumbing +27 214342262 Western Cape
    Du Preez Loodgieters (Start date confirmed) +27 422960994 Eastern Cape
    East Cape Plumbing (Pty) Ltd. 041 450 0055 Eastern Cape
    ER Plumbing 012 377 0454 Gauteng
    ESL Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 051 430 0323 Free State
    Euro Aquatech 021 8828739 Western Cape
    Everstream Trading 450 011 041 6190 Gauteng
    F&P Contracts CC t/a Ferro Plumbing (Start date confirmed) +27 114350754 Gauteng
    Fluschwell Plumbers cc 031 205 2132 Kwazulu Natal
    Fouche Plumbers 057 3531600 Free State
    Ganga Plumbers +27 312626871 Kwazulu Natal
    GDM Plumbing & Projects (Pty) Ltd 0835557973 Gauteng
    Geezers Plumbing +27 114310327 Gauteng
    Gerald Schmidt Plumbers cc 041 365 4634 Eastern Cape
    Gert Fraser Loodgieters +27 514302994 Free State
    Geyser Guy Plumbers +27 448841336 Southern Cape
    Global Plumbers +27 437221386 Border
    HB Plumbing CC +27 219870160 Western Cape
    Helderberg Fusion Plumbing 087 822 1557 Western Cape
    Hi-Flo Plumbing +27 215575043 Western Cape
    HMS Plumbers 0659692597 Kwazulu Natal
    Home Plumbing Services CC 021 852 2815 Western Cape
    I.L. Fraser Plumbers CC +27114026360 Gauteng
    Independent Plumbing Suppliers 011 444 0893 Gauteng
    Industrial Plumbers t/a DA Richardson Plumbing 083 284 6135 Border
    Infallible Trading 0415823202 Eastern Cape
    Ionic Gas, Plumbing,Electrical & Construction 0838900989 Gauteng
    J and Z Sprinkler Systems 011 888 4965 Gauteng
    Jacks Konstruksie +27 178197733 Mpumulanga
    Jadas Plumbing Works (Pty) Ltd 079 648 4077 Gauteng
    Jama Jamela Holdings (Pty) Ltd 011 888 7217 Gauteng
    Jannie Van Graaff Loodgieters 018 297 8168 North West
    JAW Plumbing 0764001003 Free State
    Jazzman Sanitary Engineers CC (Start date confirmed) 0861 728 337 Gauteng
    JNT Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd. (Start date confirmed) +27 413695046 Eastern Cape
    Just Domestic T/A Domestic Industries +27 315770770 Kwazulu Natal
    Just Plumbing and Flooring Supplies 123 CC 824,111,432 Border
    Karl Witthuhn Plumbers +27 413671898 Eastern Cape
    KD Plumbing +27 763708059 Western Cape
    Ken Harrison Reliable Plumbers 081 282 7765 Gauteng
    Kufenim Plumbing and Projects (Pty) Ltd 083 508 8808 Gauteng
    KZN HEALTH DEPARTMENT 073 415 3810  
    L.J.R. Plumbing Supplies +27 123330910 Gauteng
    Langenhovenpark Loodgieters +27 514333656 Free State
    Leakfind CC +27 215514894 Western Cape
    Leakfinda East London +27 437482173 Border
    Leano Construction Solutions (Pty) Ltd 011 027 1541 Gauteng
    Leon Abelson Plumbers +27 118853009 Gauteng
    Lifetime Plumbing (Pty) Ltd. +27 117943870 Gauteng
    Lixil Africa +27 119515000 Gauteng
    L-K Plumbing Services Western Cape (Pty) Ltd 0796812949 Western Cape
    Logos Plumbing Maintenance CC 012 665 1149 Gauteng
    Loots Loodgieters (Start date confirmed) 083 688 7174 Free State
    LVR Construction CC 031 536 2345 Kwazulu Natal
    M&J Distrubution t/a Elnino Solar 041 365 0498 Eastern Cape
    Macneil Distributors Eastern Cape 041 4510400 Eastern Cape
    Makhanya's Plumbing +27 832830995 Kwazulu Natal
    Mamba Plumbing Projects and Services cc +27 313124528 Kwazulu Natal
    Mapa Cleaning Technologies 011 608 3290 Gauteng
    Matriarch Contractors CC 035 474 1936 Kwazulu Natal
    Mike's Plumbing +27 437227671 Border
    Mobile Leak Detection And Plumbing (Start date confirmed) 011 862 1017 Gauteng
    Modl Plumbers 083 504 8640 Kwazulu Natal
    Monster Plumbing CC (CONFIRMED START DATE) 0861 666 783 Western Cape
    Mr. Fix-It 031 261 1978 Kwazulu Natal
    Mr. Plumb +27 219768234 Western Cape
    MSM Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 083 751 3443 Gauteng
    Muller Mokoena CC (M&M Plumbing)(Start date confirmed) +27 583034681 Free State
    Mzunku Trading & Distribution 057 352 1629 Free State
    National Leak Detection (Pty) Ltd 081 372 6156 Gauteng
    Nembwe Plumbing & Maintenance Projects 011 675 3967 Gauteng
    New Era Plumbers +27 315643814 Kwazulu Natal
    New-Era Construction +27 828254598 Kwazulu Natal
    NM Plumbing & Electrical CC 0826938848 Gauteng
    Nu-Gen Plumbing & Leak Detection 031 923 3173 Kwazulu Natal
    On Tap East London +27 437437606 Border
    On Tap Jeffrey's Bay +27 422960017 Eastern Cape
    On Tap King Williams Town 0436421859 Border
    On Tap Mthatha +27 475310631 Border
    On Tap Queenstown 0458381491 Border
    Optimus Plumbing 012 546 0415 Gauteng
    Owen P (PTY) Ltd +27 414843671 Eastern Cape
    Panorama Plumbers 082 828 4648 Gauteng
    Patrick's Plumbing & Maintenance +27 726361367 Border
    PCR Contractors +27 538611899 Free State
    PDK Plumbing 0790962439 Free State
    Penny Wise Plumbing 079 909 9320 Free State
    Phuzanawe Plumbers CC 076 671 6614 Kwazulu Natal
    Piet Naude Loodgieters 0514302496 Free State
    Pieter Rademeyer Plumbers 041 365 0115 Eastern Cape
    Pipe Cleaning and Drains CC 011 789 3838 Gauteng
    PJS Plumbers (Pty) Ltd 031 462 1413 Kwazulu Natal
    PJ's Plumbing & Guttering 011 640 6180 Gauteng
    Plumb It Plumbing Repairs Installations (Pty) Ltd 039 976 0903 Kwazulu Natal
    Plumb Venture CC +27 215598084 Western Cape
    PlumbCare +27 317643674 Kwazulu Natal
    Plumber Boyz (Start date confirmed) +27 349800734 Kwazulu Natal
    Plumbers on Call +27 860555555 Gauteng
    Plumbglo Plumbers (Pty) Ltd 010 900 4003 Gauteng
    Plumbing Kzn 0325254123 Kwazulu Natal
    Plumbing Solutions Western Cape (Confirmed start date) 021 903 2911 Western Cape
    Plumbing Unlimited +27 514487170 Free State
    Plumbleak Cape 021 949 9393 Western Cape
    Plumblink East London (Reg Office) +27 437222531 Border
    Plumblink Mthatha +27 475322175 Border
    Plumblink Newton Park 041 365 0031 Eastern Cape
    Plumbwave CC 031 332 4042 Kwazulu Natal
    Plumston CC 072 820 5473 Gauteng
    Plumvac Projects and Services (Pty) Ltd 021 556 5564 Western Cape
    Popeye's Plumbers +27 515252935 Free State
    Potties Plumbers (Pty) Ltd 079 356 0036 Southern Cape
    PP Construction +27 366314825 Kwazulu Natal
    Prince Plumbers and Leak Detectors 0739671738 Western Cape
    PT Dillon Plumb-Tech (Pty) Ltd 084 698 7417 Free State
    Pure Plumbing 082 372 5960 Western Cape
    R & M Plumbers CC 0413635233 Eastern Cape
    R Du Toit Building Contractors CC +27 117920583 Gauteng
    R&S Plumbing 083 963 4479 Free State
    Radinthe Plumbing Steelworks Valves Services 012 756 4546 Gauteng
    Res-Q Plumbers CC +27 110288198 Gauteng
    Rho-Aqua Services CC t/a Beach Plumbing Services 0393173040 Kwazulu Natal
    Robert G Plumbing t/a The Plumbery +27 219762058 Western Cape
    Rossouw Loodgieters +27 51 011 6938 Free State
    Rubiflo (Pty) Ltd trading as Lloyd's Plumbers 041 581 2292 Eastern Cape
    S60 Rapid Plumbing 011 762 8860 Gauteng
    Sanaqua Plumbing Supplies (Pty) Ltd 011 794 4828 Gauteng
    Sarba Loodgieters +27 827703520 Free State
    Savvy Civils & Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 011 894 3942 Gauteng
    SDT Plumbers 031 708 5303 Kwazulu Natal
    SE Industries 041 372 1164 Eastern Cape
    Sea Point Plumbing (Start date confirmed) 021 434 9132 Western Cape
    Shones Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 072 226 8321 Border
    Shurflow Plumbing 057 353 1348 Free State
    Silver Obelisk t/a CRK Maintenance 010 599 2441 Gauteng
    Silver Solutions 1273cc T/A KZN Plumbing 081 301 4803 Kwazulu Natal
    Siyazama Property Maintenance 011 453 3459 Gauteng
    SKN Plumbing Solutions CC (Start date confirmed) +27 314661446 Kwazulu Natal
    SNS Plumbing and Projects Specialist CC (Start date confirmed) +27 119433854 Gauteng
    Southern Cape Solar Solutions 044 523 7583 Southern Cape
    Speedfit Africa +27 31 569 3073 Kwazulu Natal
    Splash Leak Detection Services CC 0215573743 Western Cape
    Splashworks +27 117082676 Gauteng
    Square Circle international 0315009889 Kwazulu Natal
    Stefmar Construction & Plumbing +27 446981141 Southern Cape
    Steve's Plumbers +27 414510071 Eastern Cape
    Steyns Plumbing 072 271 8874 Gauteng
    Stiles Plumbing & Sanware 044 8713222 Southern Cape
    Stonley's Plumbing Services 082 324 7778 Gauteng
    Strydom Loodgieters cc 015 590 7236 Gauteng
    Sunridge Importers and Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd 086 134 4434 Kwazulu Natal
    Supadrain +27 113145054 Gauteng
    T and G Associates 083 377 2043 Gauteng
    t/a RPS Builders & Plumbers (Brenmon Business Trust) 041 360 2440 Eastern Cape
    THBO Trading & Projects 0861 00 885 Gauteng
    The Plumber Border +27 437400220 Border
    The Ubuntu Construction Company 031 811 7084 Kwazulu Natal
    Thembridge Support Services 0113630044 Gauteng
    TJS Maintenance 0113167771 Gauteng
    Top Class Plumbing (Pty) Ltd 076 621 3063 Western Cape
    Trio Plumbers & Civil Contractors CC +27 119741559 Gauteng
    Tyrone's Plumbing Services (Confirmed start date) +27 836026792 Border
    Umfula Plumbing Services (Pty) Ltd 011 900 7062 Gauteng
    UPP Group 011 792 6222 Gauteng
    Watt's Plumbing +27 217881114 Western Cape
    Waynes Plumbing 082 416 5335 Gauteng
    WayWes Plumbing Services 0217882348 Western Cape
    Werthwhile Plumbers +27 415812949 Eastern Cape
    Williamson Plumbers CC (Start date confirmed) 031 563 3520 Kwazulu Natal
    Willie Hallaby Plumbers 056 811 4217 Free State
    Woolwick Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Thermowise 032 947 0377 Kwazulu Natal
    Wynberg Plumbing +27 217611861 Western Cape
    Ya Mampela Glass and Projects 012 772 4321 Gauteng
    YSF Building Plumbing and Electrical (Pty) Ltd 060 489 9144 Gauteng
    Z Macz (Pty) Ltd 034 981 0374 Kwazulu Natal
    Zero 2 One Plumbing 082 789 1076 Western Cape
    Zipp Plumbers CC 031 2661396 Kwazulu Natal

  • 21 Apr 2020 9:08 AM | Anonymous

    Without modern plumbing in our homes – proper pipework, running water, flushing toilets and the ability to shower, we would find life challenging to say the least as well as somewhat unhygienic! Water is THE most essential constituent for life on earth, in so far as plumbing has evolved to being one of the cornerstones on which modern society has evolved. Plumbing – so important, fundamental and central to civilization in general, that even the great Roman empire recognized how a knowledge and understanding of plumbing, sewerage and waterworks was essential to the advancement of society.

    With an ever-increasing population in high density urban areas life as we currently know it wouldn't be possible without plumbers – working hard in a profession of which they can be justifiably proud!

    According to a British Medical Journal reader survey - Sanitation was the single most important medical advance since 1840 and South Africans can be proud of the fact that due to their excellent sanitation systems they have one of the best public health records in the Western world.

    So, who takes responsibility for South Africa’s sanitary systems?

    It’s you the Proud South African Plumber; who, continues to uphold, encourage and monitor a consistent, efficient and reliable plumbing environment, so as to safe guard and serve the public of this proud nation – South Africa.

    So when you as a Proud and registered Plumber comes to repair a burst geyser, a water leak, a blocked drain, or an interrupted water supply the public can be confident and secure in the knowledge that the tradesperson who answers their call is a skilled Professional known as a Plumber!

    In its response to the coronavirus pandemic the South African government has identified that the plumbing industry is indispensable and that PLUMBERS are ESSENTIAL WORKERS.

    If ever South Africa needed it’s Plumbers - it is NOW!

    During this time of Lock-Down due to the Corona-virus we NEED the services of you as our Proud Plumbers because who else is going to keep the Nation’s water running in our homes, our hotels, our HOSPITALS and wherever we need water to WASH OUR HANDS and a myriad of surfaces in hot soapy water in order to help beat this virus? We NEED professional PLUMBERS, Tradespersons that know how to keep vital services running. It’s the Plumbing profession that keeps this country CLEAN, who not only fix the leaks and keep the water running through the Nation’s taps but who keeps the whole waste-water system functioning, the sewers working and many of the nation’s appliances securely plumbed in!

    We honour the Doctors, the Nurses all the staff that work in hospitals and medical centres. We applaud those that keep our telecommunications open and working, we admire those who keep our information technology systems up and running. We even have a sneaking admiration for our bin-men, our defence force and for those that work in transportation and logistics, the food and agriculture sectors – but so often we forget how important our Plumbers AND the Plumbing Industry are.

    But NO MORE!

    South African PLUMBERS – we not only respect and appreciate your contribution towards your community – we SALUTE YOU and we THANK you for your valuable and vital contribution towards our nation!

    Be Plumber Proud!

    Button Tool

  • 20 Apr 2020 8:44 AM | Anonymous

    IOPSA and PIRB set out in partnership with Harambee to find out how our industry is currently coping with the Lockdown and if they are trading as an essential service. 

    To view the full report and findings please click below to view the full report. 

* Please note that all articles are dated and content was valid at the time of publication. 



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