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  • 07 Nov 2018 12:55 PM | Anonymous

    The survey was open to anyone to complete but the main communication channels were through IOPSA and PIRB.

    CPD points were made available for all PIRB registered respondents. More than 85% of the responses received were from PIRB registered plumbers and 35.9% of the respondents were from IOPSA members.

    Therefore the results could be seen as representing the views of the Formal Plumbing Sector. Other efforts are underway to gather input from the informal sector, but this is proving to be very challenging.

    The survey will be conducted annually by IOPSA in an effort to gain meaningful data and trends. As this is the first such survey there is no comparative data but in future there will be. The survey will be conducted in August each year.

    For more information please contact the IOPSA national office on 011 454 0025 or email 

    Click here to view the full survey

  • 04 Sep 2018 11:29 AM | Anonymous

    The Institute of Plumbing SA (IOPSA) is proud to announce the appointment of Steve van Zyl who will take over as the National Technical Manager, a role which has proven to be a crucial and much needed role within the industry.

    Steve started his career in 1992 as a filing clerk for SA Eagle. He then went into the insurance industry in 1993 and worked his way up the corporate ladder and only left in 2012 to become a qualified plumber and follow his passion. Steve is currently a licenced plumber with the PIRB, a qualified electrician as well as a licenced residential gas installer.

    Steve joins the IOPSA family with a wealth of plumbing and industry knowledge as well as a passion for the trade.

    “I want to make a better tomorrow within our industry and not just uplift standards but uplift those in our trade” says Steve while speaking about his vision going forward.

    Last but not least, IOPSA would like to extend a very special thank you to Steve Brown for enthusiastically stepping in to carry the technical load for IOPSA.

    We ask for your continued support and enthusiasm as Steve transitions into his new role. Please join us in officially welcoming Steve to the IOPSA family.

  • 04 Sep 2018 10:43 AM | Anonymous

    Many plumbers may find it difficult to understand the standards, and some may even believe that the standards and the required CPD point system are out to make our lives difficult but, The Institute of Plumbing SA (IOPSA) have put together a list of 9 ways to earn 29 CPD points for FREE!

    For more ways to earn CPD contact the IOPSA National office on 011 454 0025 or email us on

  • 16 Jul 2018 10:47 AM | Deleted user

    IOPSA KZN Committee traveled to our always welcoming sponsor On-Tap in Pietermaritzburg for a Plumbers evening. The attendance was superb once again with a large number of plumbers, hungry for knowledge. 

    The meeting went very well, a big turn out with a lot of enthusiastic members and non members in terms of their questions and willingness to participate in the conversations positively towards the current COC process. - Gareth Jeary IOPSA KZN Chairman. 

    A huge Thank-You to John Becker of On-Tap for his sterling efforts as well as Team Rifeng's Glenn Fischer on their presentation and generous Sponsorship. 

     Gareth Jearey (KZN Chairman) and Garth Scott (KZN Vice Chairman) answer Questions.
     Crowd of eager Plumbers hungry for knowledge
     Glenn Fischer of Rifeng captivating the Audience
     The First IOPSA Newsletter "for the plumber, by the plumber"

  • 07 May 2018 3:58 PM | Anonymous

    The Institute of Plumbing South Africa, in collaboration with PCD College, have made available eight full plumbing learnership/apprenticeship bursaries to deserving candidates wanting to obtain their plumbing qualifications. 

    To find out more information please follow the below link to download the official letter. 

    Bursaries letter link 2018 - Click here

  • 26 Apr 2018 9:38 AM | Anonymous

    The IOPSA KZN Committee were delighted to kick off their first Bosses Breakfast at the Builders Warehouse Riverhorse Valley, on board the Grohe Tour Truck on the 29th of March 2018. 

    The event was a celebration of those IOPSA Member Companies in KZN that attend meetings regularly and provide input and insight within the Region. Special thanks is extended to Patrick Gordon of Cobra (Lixil) as well as his support team on board the elegant Grohe Truck. 

    A further thanks to Gail Whitear for the insightful Motivational talk – albeit with a mischievous crowd, she provided our guests with the tools to develop and grow even further. 

    The KZN Region is privileged to have Steve Brown as a mentor, and are thankful for his presentation highlighting the benefits of IOPSA and creating awareness of the multitude of projects that IOPSA have on the go. IOPSA KZN wish to commend those that travelled from far; Ballito 50km, Pietermaritzburg 80km and Port Shepstone 132km. Another successful event within a dynamic expanding Region.

  • 16 Apr 2018 2:20 PM | Deleted user

    It goes without saying; use a Professional Plumber to ensure that you are protected from bad workmanship not only for Material damage, but you are protected from death and serious injury. Below are some images of a T&P (Safety) Valve that was blocked off in 2010 in the KZN Region. The results disastrous to say the least. 

    Actual Block off of T&P Valve
    Results of the Exploded Cylinder
    The affect on the building and
    Garage door, the brick structure cracked.

    The state of the roof, ceiling and structure

    The SANS Regulations for Geysers, water pipes and Buildings are there for your Protection. Ensuring compliance and adherence to these standards maintains Quality Plumbing for all. 

    The Mythbuster's show us in great detail what actually happens when the safety devices are not utilized on a Hot water cylinder (Geyser). In this snippet you shall see the 200lt Geyser Cylinder turn into a Water Rocket and shoot 152m into the sky - then return to earth. Imagine this shockwave of 100g's going off in your home. One cannot express enough the Importance of COMPLIANCE. Take a look: 

  • 11 Apr 2018 9:56 AM | Deleted user

  • 16 Mar 2018 3:42 PM | Anonymous

    The Institute of Plumbing SA (IOPSA) is proud to announce the appointment of Brendan Reynolds who will take over as the Executive Director. Brendan was approached by IOPSA in March 2018 to fill the role as he has proven himself valuable within the plumbing industry.

    Brendan started his career in 1992 as a picker for General Plumbing Supplies which then became a Plumblink store where he went on to work his way up the corporate ladder for many years until he left in 2013 as the Regional Manager inland to run a family business. During his time at Plumblink he also sat on the board of the PIRB for merchants.

    Brendan comes on board with a multitude of ideas and goals to uplift IOPSA which will allow us to reach new heights and have a true representation of the plumbing industry as a whole.

    “I want the plumbing industry to take charge of its destiny” says Brendan while speaking about his vision going forward for IOPSA.

    He is however not all work and no play as he is a huge Lions Rugby fan and enjoys attending as many games as he can to support his team. One of Brendan’s greatest accomplishments he says would have to be his two children. He will also be off to Everest base camp on the 21st of April 2018 which will push his determination to it’s limits.

    Last but not least, IOPSA would like to extend a very special thank you to Steve Brown for enthusiastically stepping in to carry the load for IOPSA.

    As IOPSA moves into its next chapter, we have many exciting times ahead. We ask for your continued support and enthusiasm as Brendan transitions into his new role. Please join us in officially welcoming Brendan to IOPSA.

  • 06 Mar 2018 8:22 AM | Anonymous

    Wow, what a change has swiftly come upon us. Having started my own plumbing Career 14 yrs ago PIRB didn’t exist, it was but a twinkle in IOPSA’s eye. How I learnt my plumbing was through those around me. I did an apprenticeship and have no formal plumbing training. Was this the best way?

    Time has shown us that if we only have one source of learning we tend to fall horribly short. I have always been hungry for knowledge, I want to know more, I want to do things the best I can. Why? That’s so much effort, right? I hear plumbers saying I just want to do my work and go home and enjoy my life. What kind of a life is that?

    My most valuable asset is myself. My knowledge is power for me to create a better life than just doing my job. I get to create hope for those around me by being able to up sell my skills. When I walk into a client’s house and am able to tell them that according to SANS 10254 their geyser installation needs to be rectified. It makes me feel proud to be a plumber that I am the same quality as an engineer.

    How did I learn about the SANS 10254? Only because of PIRB, without this board I would have ended up without a business because as many of you know if you don’t install according to the SANS and sign a COC you are held liable and need to correct your mistakes. Fortunately for me I am hungry to learn and then to teach my fellow workers and employees but unfortunately from what I have learned is that there are many that just don’t care.

    They are not proud plumbers because all they want to do is work with their hands and spend no time in self-investment. Yes, I work with my hands, but I need to work with my brain and learn new things. In my life time watching how fast technology has advanced is breath takingly incredible. Surely the plumbing industry is advancing as well? If you don’t think it is, you better get out from under that rock because you will very shortly find your table without food.

    IOPSA is working hard at keeping its members current on what PIRB is doing and how they are both advancing the South African National Standards (SANS). They are changing peoples’ perceptions of what a plumber is. But that won’t happen unless we educate ourselves. So PIRB looked at the Australian system that is working so well and how can we apply it in South Africa. Yes, it’s a work in progress and is being constantly worked at by Lea and Martin’s Team.

    So the real question is to be or not to be CPD? What is Continuous professional Development?
    In many professional industries such as doctors etc. What is it for? And why all the fuss and why do I now at the age of 40+ have to start doing these CPD points. The webinars, the meetings, this is not what I signed up for as a plumber right? Well you are wrong. I don’t want to be classified with the same guy who calls himself a plumber but who’s workmanship is sub standard and doesn’t even know his own regulations which he signed up to the day he decided to be a plumber.

    I am proud to be a plumber and if CPD is the way to ensure I and my fellow plumbers increase our standard of work, I whole heartedly embrace the challenges that will come with it. Because I know the future moves on and will do so without me unless I keep up with the changing times. The only constant in our lives is “change”.

    What saddens me is that my fellow plumbers are fighting this change and instead of seeing the CPD system as a great way to increase their work and knowledge they see it as a waste of their time. They are not prepared to invest any time into their self-development. My question to you is how without Continuous Professional Development are you going to comply to the changing standards?

    To become an IOPSA member, please contact Celmarie on


* Please note that all articles are dated and content was valid at the time of publication. 



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